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The Optimal Athlete
Athletes require special care to ensure that their bodies receive the elemental building blocks required for cellular repair after workouts.
Every sport and activity maintain unique challenges for their athletes, each of whom have their own personal needs, including how their bodies perform, break down, and rebuild with every workout.
Aerobic Sports require special nutritional considerations for the musculoskeletal, respiratory, and
cardiovascular systems.
Strength Training requires specific nutrition in a timely manner to rebuild muscle mass on an ongoing basis as muscle is broken down to build itself even stronger.
Endurance Sports require nutrition that can assist the athlete through long-range time and/or distance as well as ensure lasting caloric content for between workout metabolism.
Sports Nutrition In the News
May 16, 2019
The Real-Life Diet of Christian McCaffrey
November 12, 2018
New Physical Activity Guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services
October 30, 2018
Vitamin D Levels in the Blood linked to Cardiorespiratory Fitness
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