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  • White Cosmos Wellness

New Thoughts for a New Year!

For most of us, the New Year offers a feeling of new beginnings, renewal and rejuvenation, and hope. Because our lives are a journey, we are where we are today due to our decisions and goals from our past. We often forget to acknowledge this!

So before we get deep-seated into our New Year’s resolutions, this is a perfect time to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate our place in the world today. Here are some thoughts to assist in the process of review, acceptance, and appreciation.

Where were you this time last year? (physically, emotionally, spiritually)

What were your resolutions for this past year?

What were your goals and intentions for the year?

Were they accomplished to the degree you had hoped?

Do you feel that you had a significant personal hand in their success or lack of success?

How did they morph through the year?

Which changes were due to unforeseen circumstances?

What other accomplishments did you have?

Who helped you with your progress?

What were your trials, losses, and setbacks?

Did anyone significantly impede your progress?

How can the answers to these questions help you to assess and plan the possibilities in front of you for this coming new year?

Did your strategy for personal growth and happiness work for you last year?

Are you doing what you want to be doing, or on a path to get there?

Do you enjoy what you are doing on a daily basis?

Are you surrounding yourself with people who are supporting your dreams and intentions?

Are you where you want to be living, playing, visiting?

As we say goodbye to one year and welcome another with shiny new opportunities, let’s be thankful for where we are today, and all the work and help it took to get here!

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